DONATIONS GIFTS & POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS is a simple program to use and will always be priced free. A place to record all of your donations, gifts and political contributions as you make them throughout the year. The reports total all for a selected date period and by organisation for a selected date period.
Home takes you to
APPLICATIONS DONATIONS – record any donations.
Complete the following:
- Date
- Payee who the donation was paid to. To add a regular payee use Manage Payees. The payee will be saved for future use
- Amount $ cost of donation
Generated – Shows reports generated. Data is as at generated date a new report must be generated to reflect any changes.
All Donations – enter start date and end date and click “generate report”. This will generate an “All Donations Report” showing all donations for that period.
Total per Charity – enter start date and end date, select recipient and click “generate report”. This will generate a report showing donations by charity and totalled per charity for that period.
Total per Charity for all Charities – enter start date and end date and click “generate report”. This will generate a report showing donations by charity and totalled per charity for that period.
All Reports can be saved to your device or printed using the information on the screen.
ATO making gifts:
ATO Recordkeeping:
ATO Political Contributions:
The information included on these pages is of a general nature and should be used only as a guide. Information may apply differently to different people in different circumstances. Taxation and related laws and practices can change frequently and without warning and caution must be exercised when relying on any information. Advice specific to an individual’s situation should be sought from a qualified and, where required by law, registered source.