Why does my calendar drop down not let me put in the date I want?
Please ensure you have subscribed for that Financial Year.
My Reports are not working?
As this is a web app you need to refresh the browser to update the generated reports. This is simply clicking on the browser or go away from that page and then come back to it. Once status shows as success and pdf shows in blue you can download the Report. Some very large reports may take a few minutes to be generated.
What browsers do the applications work on?
We have tested the following browsers on which they work – Internet Explorer 9/10/11, Firefox 23, Safari 5.1, Chrome 30, Opera 12.1 and we believe later versions to date. They have been used successfully on PCs, Macs, Ipads, Android Phones & Iphones.
Taxrecord doesn’t seem to be working properly on my older computer?
Please use Google Chrome if you have an XP computer as Internet Explorer 8 is no longer supported.
I am not receiving my forgotten email password?
Assuming your email address is correct please check your junk email folder. If the email has not been received there check your junk email folder online rather than on your device. If you require us to fix the issue or fix your email address please email us with your contact phone number, old & new email address requesting the fix.
The application reports are not opening correctly through my browser on my Samsung Galaxy phone?
Please access the application via Google Chrome and use reports from there. This has been tested and it works.
Can I scan & store receipts?
There are many free online places and different ways to scan and/or photograph documents, you can obtain this service elsewhere and use our product for its specialization. When we have a big enough client base and fast enough speeds we will add this feature.
My new subscription for existing clients is not showing up?
Please log out and back in again for new subscriptions to show up.
My payment has been made but when I try to login it is not working?
If you did not complete the paypal payment process back to our page the subscription link is lost. Please email us with relevant subscription details and once payment is confirmed we will manually add your subscription and email you.
There is a “Your Connection is not Private” message showing when I try to go to the taxrecord website?
Occasionally a new security certificate is issued and your phone will show this message until you accept it. Taxrecords site is secure and this is just a smart phone warning that may arise until you accept the new certificate.